Analysts are fascinated by Natvia’s approach to overcoming obesity and diabetes with its healthy sugar substitutes

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According to experts, obesity and diabetes are on the rise, and sugar is to blame. Sugar is omnipresent in today’s daily staples, including breakfast cereal, fizzy drinks, and even “healthy” snacks such as granola bars. While a little sugar here and there isn’t necessarily bad, excessive sugar consumption adversely affects people’s health, and this fact is now well documented.

Globally, obesity is a significant problem, as more than a quarter of adults are classified as obese (almost ? in the United States). As a serious health concern, obesity increases the risk of various chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

Natvia to the rescue

The Natvia team set out to find a healthier, 100% natural, low-calorie alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. They did this because they wanted to give people easy swaps that would help them live a low-sugar lifestyle without giving up taste.

Natvia is an all-natural sweetener made from the stevia plant. It is a zero-calorie, zero-glycemic sweetener that is safe for people with diabetes and has no bitter aftertaste. Natvia’s sweeteners are available in granulated and powdered forms and can be used as a replacement for sugar in any recipe and in coffee.

Natvia also offers a pantry range to help consumers switch to healthier snacks and treats. These include jams, toppings, cordial, maple syrup, hazelnut spread, cereals, cakes, and bubble teas.

By substituting Natvia for sugar, individuals reduce their consumption of sugar, calories, and carbohydrates. This is a huge help to those fighting obesity and diabetes, as well as those on a fitness journey or families looking for low-sugar alternatives.

Analysts are impressed with Natvia

Natvia’s product line reflects the company’s strong emphasis on health and wellness. Their products are completely natural and free of artificial sweeteners, flavours, colours, and preservatives. This positioning has been well received by customers and has helped Natvia stand out in a crowded market.

Natvia has also successfully built a loyal customer base in its home country of Australia as well as in New Zealand. Its exponential growth is attributed to its strong product offering and variety of loyalty rewards and discounts, which encourage customers to return time and again.

Finally, the company’s strong e-commerce presence has allowed it to reach a global audience. This has been a significant growth driver, propelling Natvia to the top of the natural sweetener market.

The future looks bright for Natvia

The global sugar substitutes market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2022 to reach $28.4 billion by 2025, driven by increasing health consciousness and the need for low-calorie and sugar-free food and beverages among consumers, according to a report by Markets and Markets.

The market is further driven by the increasing awareness of the harmful effects of sugar and the need for sugar-free and low-calorie food and beverages. The report notes that the demand for sugar substitutes is also growing in the food and beverage industry due to the need for healthier and low-calorie products.

Natvia has the world’s largest ‘no-added sugar’ pantry range. Analysts are optimistic about Natvia’s prospects, believing the company is well-positioned to capitalise on rising demand for healthy and natural products.



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