Ex-Special Forces Soldiers Start-Up Space Company

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Space technology lab in Southwest Florida is combining entrepreneurship with Department of Defense expertise

Founder Wil Glaser of Naples, FL, is no stranger to entrepreneurship; with several successful startups, he turned to the final frontier, space. His approach was to bridge the gap between Silicon Valley and military end-users; as a result, Space-Tech was born.

“Our rapid advanced prototyping with the influence of experienced end users from the Department of Defense addresses dire needs in the space industry. Innovation is who we are.”Wil Glaser

A newly announced Modular Satellite will be able to adapt and evolve with its open systems architecture, providing ongoing valuable data gathering and information processing for a wide range of applications.

Space-Tech focuses on developing cutting-edge solutions for the Department of Defense and beyond, combining Commercial Off Shelf Sensors and processors with Custom Optics, Software, and AI processing to improve mission-specific task performance. From building space stations, researching lunar development, and engineering a vertical launch spaceport, the team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

“Advanced ISR, Tactical Rapid Response, and Space-Debris removal are our current missions on deck, with several more to come.” – Ret. MSG Zendejas 

Space-Tech is based out of Florida Gulf Coast University’s Emergent Technology Institute in Fort Myers, Florida, where students are given an opportunity in STEM-focused internships such as building small satellites and learning orbital science.

To learn more, visit www.Space-Tech.US.

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